Learn in 5 minutes what is a workflow and business process management tool! Did you know it? The concept of Workflow is nothing new. It dates back from computing tools spread in businesses (from the...
Better managing your business through some small tips Managing your business is like taking care of a child. You nurture him from its very beginning and get to watch him grow. But, unlike a...continue reading
Learn in 5 minutes why you need a HRIS What is HRIS? HRIS (for Human Resource Information System, is an information system that includes several HR softwares. These softwares are often...continue reading
Data management plays a major role in improving customer relationship management (and also customer experience) Data management plays a major role in improving customer relationship management...continue reading
CRM is not only related to customer relationship and sales activity anymore It is true that the first goal of CRM is to help increase sales and manage customer relationships: however over the...continue reading
CRM: an intuitive tool to improve remote working and mobility during COVID With the current situation due to COVID crisis, companies have been more realizing that access to their key...continue reading
CRM Terminology, different terms for each sector (Sales, Marketing, HR…) As every analysis tool, CRM has also its own generic terms which vary according to the context: the terms that are...continue reading
Digitalization: an essential step in companies’ digital transformation Economy digitalization represents a real competitiveness concern for companies. Consumption models change, but...continue reading
To complete a commercial social selling, it is necessary to well determine the campaign’s goal, its targets and how to reach them. In this article, we will precisely discover the main steps to...continue reading
Helpful Software solutions for Change management : The opening of new markets, a more and more volatile demand, mobility, or the technological evolution… To be more competitive and performant, a...continue reading
CRM definition & concepts… learn in 5 minutes what it is about ! Did you know it? The first CRM software was launched in the 80’s: At first, the “Contact Management Software” (precursor...continue reading